Based on computer generated type, photographs scanned to disc, film output on
linotronic or imagesetter. Typesetting runs about $35/hr, but you can do your own using
Aldus Pagemaker, Quark Express or Ventura Publisher and an illustration program like Aldus
Freehand or Corel Draw. If you only have access to a basic word-processing program like
Microsoft Word or Word Perfect, you can still reduce your typestting time by typing your
J-card text and saving it as an ASCII or RTF file for the service bureu to import into
their desktop publishig program. Use a return at the end of each line, use tabs instead of
spaces to align text, and type it as one very long column of text, not side-by-side
columns. Leave the color seperation to the service bureau that will generate your film
Typsetting @ $35/hr.....................variable
2 photos scanned to disc @ $12.50 ea......$25.00
8-1/2"x11" 2540dpi film negatives @ $15 ea (for 2-Panel J-card) or
11"x17" 2540dpi film negatives @ $20 ea (for 3 or 4-Panel J-cards). One color
printing (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow or Black ink on White paper) requires one piece of film.
Four color printing (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black on White paper) requires four pieces
of film and a match print at about $50.
1-Color, 2-Panel ($15 x 1)...............$15.00
1-Color, 3 or 4-Panel ($20 x 1)..........$20.00
4-Color, 2-Panel ($15 x 4 + $50)........$110.00
4-Color, 3 or 4-Panel ($20 x 4 + $50....$130.00
Based on 2500 J-cards cut and scored, 4-color front, 1-color back, customer-supplied
film negatives, 10% over-run.
2750 2-Panel J-cards @ $27 per 1000.......$74.25
2750 3-Panel J-cards @ $41 per 1000......$112.75
2750 4-Panel J-cards @ $71 per 1000......$195.25
Based on a 60-minute chrome cassette in a clear shell, shell printed, clear box,
customer-supplied j-cards inserted, shrink-wrapped, real-time copies from a DAT master.
500 Cassettes @ $.75 ea..................$375.00
Based on computer generated type, photographs scanned to disc, film output on
linotronic or imagesetter like J-Card set-up above.
Typsetting @ $35/hr.....................variable
2 photos scanned to disc @ $12.50 ea......$25.00
11"x17" 2540dpi film negatives @ $20 ea. One color printing (Cyan, Magenta,
Yellow or Black ink on White paper) requires one piece of film. Four color printing (Cyan,
Magenta, Yellow and Black on White paper) requires four pieces of film. Standard compact
disc jewel cases require a booklet and a tray card. Slimline CD jewel cases require only a
die-cut booklet. Slimline jewel cases are also much lighter and will save you a
considerable amount of money in film, printing, shipping, and mailing costs. The following
price is for a CD project packaged in a slimline jewel case. Add $400 to $450 for
additional film and printing costs with a standard CD jewel case, plus another 50% in
shipping and mailing costs. Again a matchprint is required for 4-color film so add $50 for
color work.
1-Color Slimline Booklet ($20 x 1)........$20.00
4-Color Slimline Booklet ($20 x 4 + $50).$130.00
Based on 5000 J-cards cut and scored, 4-color front, 1-color back, customer-supplied
film negatives, 10% over-run.
5500 Slimline booklets @ $64 per 1000....$352.00
Based on a 74-minute compact disc, two-color label, slimline jewel case,
customer-supplied booklets inserted, shrink-wrapped, PCM conversion from a DAT master.
2000 discs (min. order) @ $1.10 ea......$2200.00
2000 jewel cases @ $.25 ea...............$500.00
2000 shrink-wrap @ $.05 ea...............$100.00
PCM Conversion from DAT..................$175.00
Based on customer supplied black and white photo, camera-ready band logo, and text for
typesetting. 100 continuous-tone photographs (1week turnaround) which are the industry
standard, or 500 150-line screen litho prints on gloss stock (2 week turnaround).
Photographs are usually required by publications and promoters since the photos must be
scaled and screened to fit their requirements.
100 photos................................$89.95
500 prints................................$89.95
In addition to a quality band photo (described above), a good press kit should include
a one page description of the artist, a sample cassette or cd professionally packaged, all
in a 9"x12" envelope with your logo on it. Make sure that your product, your
photo, and your one-page bio have your band name, address, and phone number on them since
these items often become seperated when received. Photocopies can look very professional
if your original is clean and crisp, you print on nice heavy text or cover stock, and you
take it to a printer with a high-quality machine. Many record companies will discard
unsolicited product shortly after receiving it. If you would like your cassette or cd
back, send a self-addressed stamped envelope with adequate postage and ask them to return
it when finished.
100 1-page background sheets..............$12.00
100 9"x12" envelopes......................$15.00
200 labels/stickers printed...............$10.00
100 first-class postage (5oz)............$121.00
Spine labels and face labels are standard. Can be printed on an offset press for about
$30 from camera-ready film negatives.
2 film negatives from disc @ $15 ea.......$30.00
1200 Spine labels (100 sh x 12/sh)........$24.00
1000 Face labels (100 sh x 10/sh).........$24.00
Even minimum print runs can be fairly expensive. Unless you intend to mass produce the
video, I suggest packaging the video in a white cardboard sleeve and applying stickers, or
a clear plastic sleeve with a printed paper insert.
500 White dustcovers......................$52.00
500 Plastic dustcovers...................$150.00
Based on a 45-minute vhs video, stock and labor only, customer-supplied boxes,
pro-grade tape, shrink-wrapped, 3/4" or 1" master.
100 ntsc @ $4.80 ea......................$480.00