Issue 7 Cover

With each issue of this publication, we have tried to incorporate suggestions from our readers. Many have said they enjoy our interviews, while other have pointed out we could be interviewing artists who are less known and more alternative. So in this issue we've given you three interviews, two of which are unknown to many.

Another frequent question concerns our product listing section. We began ACM Journal because there were no publications that gave an overview of the international alternative Christian music scene. Album reviews can be helpful to some, but they are often filled with personal bias and fluff, many independent are never reviewed, while others are mentioned years after their product was released. Reviews can be influenced by advertising pressures, real or imagined. You'll find no album reviews in this publication. Instead, we'll interview many of the most outstanding artists, feature their music on our annual compilation cd's, and highlight noteworthy projects in our product listing section. To make a long explanation even longer, the music listings are based on the premise that one cannot find what one does not know exists (a concept that has some parallels in Christianity). We have tried to present enough information for our readers to find the titles listed. Obviously they won't all be on the shelf at your local religious gift shop or record outlet. Therefor, we've given you addresses for mail order stores, catalogues, and even many of the artists themselves. We've also listed addresses for other publications. We are the first to admit that we'll never be all things to all people. We've added two new musical categories - Rap and Alternative Dance. There are also many new and upcoming projects listed.

And finally, many of our readers are involved in music or have artistic friends. We will continue to print information relative to the business end of the music industry, emphasizing issues relevant to independent artists. If you have suggestions for future articles or interviews, or would just like to share your ideas or opinions, please call or write. We look forward to your involvement as mature individually and as a publication.

In Christian Service,


Tom D. Stephenson